Performance Remapping
Performance Remapping
Performance Remapping
With a bespoke developed GAD performance remap you will see better performance more bhp and torque with unlimited options to tailor your remapping to make for a 100% unique feel and output. GAD write and develop every remap to clients needs and or requirements giving you complete freedom to change the way your vehicle behaves. From brit car motorsport software upgrades to HGV remapping GAD have the facility’s equipment and knowledge to produce any performance output providing the hardware it there to match.
Integration of Launch control functions. The launch control function with in the remap is a safe and relatively easy to develop a stable amount of boost for off the line power. With unlimited rev limitation points launch can be activated at low speeds of in some cases via the clutch pedal actuator.
Integration of popcorn rev limiters. The popcorn rev limit not only sounds fantastic on a diesel tdi vehicle but serves a purpose used for keeping optimum torque. We have designed and tested many forms of popcorn limiters on many VW SEAT AUDI and Skoda Vehicles with great results.
Integration of Anti LAG for petrol vehicles. With anti lag you will always have positive boost pressure between gear changes and the distinctive Anti lag sound.
Before and after diagnostics is carried out prior to and post remapping to ensure 100 % compatibility and reliability.
For more information on any of the above please feel free to get in touch