Audi R8 4.2 V8 Quicksilver exhaust
Audi R8 4.2 V8 Quicksilver exhaust
Here at GAD Tuning we can offer the whole Quicksilver range of exhausts but in particular for Quicksilver systems for the Audi R8, Both V8 and V10 models. They see massive improvements in both sound, power and weight reduction to make a far more efficient system!
Reducing over all weight of the vehicle is another key aspect that runs parallel with engine performance making for a complete package. Seeing improved throttle response, power output, torque output and weight reduction from the Quicksilver exhaust systems means that you get the true driving potential from your Audi R8 machine.
We can offer brand new systems directly from our excellent working relationship with Quicksilver but also many of our customers return the vehicle back to stock before sale so we get an array of used systems which come out much cheaper than new systems and have the added benefit of already being bedded in.
Performance gains with our Bespoke ECU recalibration remapping software coupled with BMC air filter upgrade is substantial seeing an increase of 40bhp and 30nm with huge improvements to throttle response and mid range, as standard we also remove the Speed limiter from the vehicle.